Newsdesk: you'd be amazed at what we can do

When it first came to prominence, whisky was thought to be the water of life. It's been a while since then, but it's still proving to be transformative.

Newsdesk: ring-a-ding-ding

This week, Newsdesk is wondering what it has to do to get some get a lucrative vodka endorsement.

Newsdesk: Back to basics

(Alphabet blocks by dklimke, licensed under Creative Commons.) This week's news links are brought to by the Martini - alleviating middle-class stress through gin and vermouth since 1867!

Newsdesk: what is best in life?

There is - or should be - a list of things you should never type into Google Image Search and right near the top of it are the words "erectile dysfunction". There's probably also a good way to tie this into the following compilation of drink related links but God, my mind is scarred.