Newsdesk: the wrath of grapes
Hangovers are the nemesis of the committed drinker, and just ahead of Christmas, it gets worse.
- The Guardian reports that The British Medical Journal has concluded that hangovers are basically incurable. After reviewing eight randomised, double-blind control tests, they've decided that "no compelling evidence exists to suggest that any conventional or complementary intervention is effective for preventing or treating alcohol hangover." Could've just asked a student and saved a bunch of money.
- Featuring in little sister the Observer is news of the construction of the first major Scotch whisky distillery for 30 years. Diageo's Roseisle facility will be Scotland's first 'green' distillery, producing only 15% of the CO2 compared to a standard plant. Curiously, the press release detailing plans for the £40m project dates back to February. 2007. It's not true what they say about print media in the digital age. Regardless, the fantastic Food Monthly supplement brings tales of a life dedicated to apple brandy. And God, apparently.
- As much as we Brits like to claim we follow our own cultural agenda, we're clearly going to rob any decent looking fad. One of our most recent acquisitions - New York's trend for speakeasies over 'traditional' bars - has already made it into the Times and is therefore over. Given that going out is now only for idiotic wage slaves with no idea of relevance outside of the one fed to them by the overarching teat of the mainstream media or hipsters, the only thing to do is get wasted at home. Handily, the Times also provides a breakdown of the alcoholic content hidden in Christmas favourites, so you can get drink in front of the family without hiding a bottle of Scotch under the dining table.
- Staying in broadsheet-land, the Independent offers handy tips for navigating the financial minefield of post-crunch Britain, noting that the UK Government's 2.5% reduction in VAT outweighs its 8% increase in alcohol duty on wines over £8.80/bottle.
- Over the pond, the New York Times' new drinkblog The Pour has made a strong start, with posts on the age-old 'e' in whisky controversy, the question of whether a tweaked classic can ever be as good as its inspiration (apparently, no - because it's the same drink), and which cocktails fit which US cities best. If you believe the movies, surely it's a Volcano Bowl for LA?
Bonus old-timey links: last minute Christmas gift for the cocktail geek in your life, and the UK Department of Health's handy guide to spotting the nine types of heavy drinker. Note to self: not a to-do list.