Outbound: science-y goodness

- Via the Chanticleer Society: Cocktail science in general part 1 / part 2. Following on from last year's examination of the science of shaking, the big revelation for me is that while shaking might be basically bartender-proof, stirring definitely isn't - so it's just as well that the recipes that attain classic status can withstand a wide variation of both temperature and dilution. Thomas Waugh's tips for order of service should be required reading for all bar staff.
- Via Brown, Bitter and Stirred: MxMo - brown, bitter and stirred. Or, the triumphant return of Mixology Monday, hosted by Lush Life's Lindsey Johnson.
- Via Bitters & Twisted: can a spirit be too good for a cocktail? Short answer: no.
- Via Gizmodo: the secret of beer googles revealed
- Via the Independent: the vodka revolution. Apparently, small-scale, independent vodka production is the new black.
- Via Misadventures in a Cocktail Glass: Happy Birthday, Jack.